yeah yeah yeah advert=suffocating under dirt/pollution? buy more.
eventually i watch war atrocities and the soundtrack makes it okay.
oh very funny.
i think ill wake up is this worth watching mmm okay i was sleeping but now Im okay. theres a few ideas id like to kick around hows this grab you.
pitch one: escaping from burning hotel. no shoes. its raining. do you go back into the burning hotel and find shoes or get your feet wet?
pitch two: wander into schoolroom by mistake. all the children know your name and your darkest secrets. do you run or make the best of it?
pitch three: answering phone in call box on top of hill. its the devil. do you slam down the phone or attempt conversation?
pitch four: evryone expects you to perform but you cant. [copy/paste] do you slam down the phone or attempt conversation?
eventually i can watch anythingwithasoundtrack.
[copy/paste]Theres just the muffled crunchy sound of teeth grinding and scraping of boots on tarmac or something and a noise far away that maybe is someone crying or a cat and evrything moves a bit in the wind but there isnt any noise of that sort of thing.
no sound. except you. no sound. except you.
no sound. except you. no sound. except you.
no sound. except you. no sound. except you.
no sound. except you. no sound. except you.
no sound. except you. no sound. except you.
no sound. except you. no sound. except you.
a lot of background noise and a lot of repetition. and we wish it was just noise just a trapped bird in the chimney just a blockage in a pipe just the boiler just the floorboards just the "house, settling".
im a machine to record the noise made by a plant wilting a mouse dying a hinge rusting a newspaper rotting a meal cooked left on the table uneaten drying carried away into the kitchen scraped into the trash the plate washed up the detergent bubbles dying leaving tiny traces too tiny to see on the china stacked back up for ANOTHER DAY.
soandso would like you to call left a message saying
oh no sound except you no sound except you.
evryone expects you to perform but you cant. copy/paste but nothing happens. undo but cant undo. get text ha ha ha. im a very busy person im sorry youll have to wait until tomorrow or maybe the next day if youre lucky. if im lucky. if im lucky ill still be here: hello how are you is evrything okay i hope insert situation has been satisfactorily resolved ha ha ha. a jolly good night to you all. Try t ngage n mnngfl cnvrstn. Try.
ha, ha.
try a new lipstick a new colour a new you [this week only]