Even though everyone has been here before even though there's a souvenir shop even though the tracks are concreted and even though there is taped commentary/
To your left you will see to your right is and if you use a little imagination you could thank you please move along to the next commentary point/
In my dream this hill was lonely and grassgreen there were maybe three trees on the top with me on my own and i can't remember climbing up/
In real life there is a coach park and easy access from the motorway
In real life there is an experience to experience
In real life there is a mcdonalds and a carpark and a sign saying coming soon tgi fridays
In real life there are ascents graded according to difficulty there is a big chairlift thing if the effort is too much: would you please move along to the next commentary point refreshments are available there is a cafeteria there is a gift store there are authentic reenactments of authentic events in history/
What am i doing on this stupid hill